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South Kent Energy Park
About Low Carbon
The project
The development process
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About us
Who is Low Carbon?
About South Kent Energy Park
Why is South Kent Energy Park needed?
Why has Low Carbon chosen this location for South Kent Energy Park?
What is included in the South Kent Energy Park proposals?
Why have you included a battery energy storage system in your proposals?
Where will the energy park connect to the electrical grid?
How long would it take to build South Kent Energy Park subject to the scheme being granted consent?
How long will South Kent Energy Park be in operation?
How do you calculate the number of houses powered by the project?
Community and environment
How will South Kent Energy Park affect local ecology and wildlife?
Will there be noise and visual impacts from South Kent Energy Park?
How much of the land on which South Kent Energy Park is proposed to be built will be taken out of productive agricultural use if the project goes ahead?
Will South Kent Energy Park create any jobs once it is built?
Does the UK risk being covered with solar farms everywhere?
The development process
What is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP)?
What is a development consent order (DCO)?
Engagement and next steps
Will local communities be able to have their say on our proposals?
What are the next steps?